Lower Clear Creek Floodplain Rehabilitation: Phase 3B (26-70)
Lower Clear Creek Floodplain Rehabilitation: Phase 3B (26-70)
The project is located along Clear Creek onsite located approximately two miles west of Highway 273 along Clear Creek Road. It is part of a comprehensive, multi-phased ecosystem project that was designed primarily to improve anadromous salmonid habitat and to eliminate salmon stranding in adjacent mining pits by restoring natural stream channel and floodplain processes. Lower Clear Creek was severely impacted over the period of many years by gold mining, aggregate mining and the effects of Whiskeytown Dam.
Western Shasta RCD’s partners in this endeavor include the U.S. Fish & Wildlife service, the California Department of Fish & Wildlife, the Central Valley Project Improvement Act, the Bureau of Reclamation, and the Bureau of Land Management.
The work involved the construction of bio-engineered bank protection, rock slope protection, grade control structures, habitat structures, and relocation of the existing channel into a new meandering design channel. Along with the other associated phases of the project (2A, 2B and 3A) over 65 acres of native wetland and riparian habitat were also re-established along Clear Creek
This video provides an idea of what Western Shasta RCD has done to help restore wetlands near Lower Clear Creek.